Food & Beverages Workshop | Dancing with Breads by Sujit Sumitran

Venue Old GMC Complex and Courtyard

Course: Baking & Breads
Capacity: 30 registrations
3 types of Sourdough Loaves for tasting:
1) Rustic Loaf (made from a flour blend of stone-ground whole wheat and bread flour)
2) Tadka Loaf (same as 1with Mustard seeds, Urad dal, Kadhi Pathy and Red Chillies tempered in Coconut oil)
3) SeedGasm Loaf (same as 1 with a 6 seed mix – Flax, Onion, Melon, Sunflower, Sesame and Pomegranate Seeds)
The presentation and discussions will cover the following:
1) What’s the art behind baking bread? (baking isn’t about a recipe – its about dancing in the moment on a day to day basis)
2) Real Bread – what is it and why real bread? How different is it from commercially available bread? (Chorleywood process vs slow food process)
3) Why sourdough? Flavour, health and staying power of benefits of SD.
4) The myth behind commercially available whole grain loaves being healthier and why fermentation is key.
5) Stone-ground flour vs commercial Atta.
Q& A

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